We are the ideal ophthalmological clinic for your pet

At Eye Clinic we are committed to the health and happiness of your pet.

Primer plano del ojo de un perro y detalle del ojo de un gato, representando la especialidad en oftalmología veterinaria de Eye Clinic

About us

At Eye Clinic, we are a group of specialists in constant pursuit of providing a better quality of life for those family members who are your pets.

Representación de cliente sonriendo abrazando a su gato, reflejando el cuidado y la confianza.Icono del serró de la silla para señalar la ubicación de Eye Clinic en Monterrey.

The best care

Rest assured that the well-being and health of your pet are our priority; both will receive empathetic and warm attention.

Meet our team

Experts in Glaucoma Treatment

We have extensive experience in the detection, care, and follow-up of patients with glaucoma; a condition that encompasses a group of diseases that progressively and irreversibly damage the optic nerve, leading to a decrease in vision.

Primer plano de los ojos de un perro con síntomas de glaucoma, destacando que en Eye Clinic somos expertos en el tratamiento del glaucoma

For all species

Our staff is highly trained to receive all types of animals. No matter what kind of pet you have, our experts will attend to them.

Icono de un gato de perfil
icono de un perro
Icono de un perico representando a las aves
Iono de una chinchilla representando a los pequeños mamíferos
Icono de una iguana representando a las especies exóticas


Our treatments include the following surgical procedures. For each of them, we have the necessary infrastructure and highly specialized doctors in each case.

Come visit us

We are ready to assist you and your furry companion, providing them with the best care and together, finding the best solution to their ophthalmological issue.

Carretera Nacional 41000, 64988 Monterrey, Nuevo León, México.

Schedule your appointment!

Read some reviews

We have the right staff and equipment to ensure your pet's vision.

Contact us!
foto de 3 pequeños gatos con ojos azules